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Re: Playing fair and ethically

By CooterBrown
8/06/2016 4:59 pm
IHP3 wrote:
Grandad, apparently you missed the boat. The point of trading is to improve your team and to try and win it all. You are not there to strengthen your opponent, that would be a stupid goal.
Stop with all the complaining. By your own admission you are new here, (though that seems unlikely given the nature of some of your comments) and yet you are looking to overhaul the game and create Mr. Roger's neighborhood.

This is a frickin online football game where the goal for most of us is to win. Stop complaining about teams making trades to improve them and not trying to beef up their foes. You are ripping Bling, one of the best owners in the game. At the same time, you are trying to create a game of Socialistic teams.

Go away, this game doesn't need that kind of homogenizing. I'm reading this, Lord only know why, and thinking, this guy can't be serious. No one in their right mind tries to get anything less than the best value possible for THEIR team. It is up to you to look out for your own best interests. This is a game of competition. You play fair and at the same time, you play to win!

Stop your soapbox complaining and play the game!!!

"YOU PLAY TO WIN THE GAME" - Herm Edwards.
nuff said, baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Playing fair and ethically

By Brrexkl
8/06/2016 6:42 pm
IHP3 wrote:
Grandad, apparently you missed the boat. The point of trading is to improve your team and to try and win it all. You are not there to strengthen your opponent, that would be a stupid goal.
Stop with all the complaining. By your own admission you are new here, (though that seems unlikely given the nature of some of your comments) and yet you are looking to overhaul the game and create Mr. Roger's neighborhood.

This is a frickin online football game where the goal for most of us is to win. Stop complaining about teams making trades to improve them and not trying to beef up their foes. You are ripping Bling, one of the best owners in the game. At the same time, you are trying to create a game of Socialistic teams.

Go away, this game doesn't need that kind of homogenizing. I'm reading this, Lord only know why, and thinking, this guy can't be serious. No one in their right mind tries to get anything less than the best value possible for THEIR team. It is up to you to look out for your own best interests. This is a game of competition. You play fair and at the same time, you play to win!

Stop your soapbox complaining and play the game!!!

I would counter that the BEST deals benefit all parties, and that things like collusion are indeed cheating and should not be allowed.

But I completely understand where you are coming from. We are playing to Win. I try to make Fair Trades because to me, it's in my best interest. It keeps people willing to continue to do business with me. The last thing I want is to be shut out of the Trade Market because of a 'bad reputation'.

Others will push the advantage a bit harder. Which is fine by me, I don't oppose it. They just risk getting labeled, which only hurts them. Maybe they never get labeled, but there is that risk.

Any Trade that doesn't, in the Theory of the Trade, make your Team better... is a Bad Trade. We are not here to gift our opponents sweet deals that leave us on the short end. When it comes to Team Management it is much better to err on the side of Donald Trump than to err on the side of Bernie Sanders.

But I do say all this while agreeing that play should be fair and we should all abide by ethical actions.

I think a good point is raised, I just think a good case to showcase the point hasn't been raised. Which makes me think our Leagues do a pretty good job of policing themselves, and while this has POTENTIAL to be a serious issue... the reality is it is NOT an ACTUAL Issue, or at least not a major one, at this time.

But it never hurts to be prepared for such things, and have plans in place.

Re: Playing fair and ethically

By parsh
8/06/2016 8:33 pm

Only because when I hear collusion I think of this show ... Lol
Last edited at 8/06/2016 8:34 pm

Re: Playing fair and ethically

By GrandadB
8/07/2016 12:28 am
IHP3 wrote:
Grandad, apparently you missed the boat. The point of trading is to improve your team and to try and win it all. You are not there to strengthen your opponent, that would be a stupid goal.
Stop with all the complaining. By your own admission you are new here, (though that seems unlikely given the nature of some of your comments) and yet you are looking to overhaul the game and create Mr. Roger's neighborhood.

This is a frickin online football game where the goal for most of us is to win. Stop complaining about teams making trades to improve them and not trying to beef up their foes. You are ripping Bling, one of the best owners in the game. At the same time, you are trying to create a game of Socialistic teams.

Go away, this game doesn't need that kind of homogenizing. I'm reading this, Lord only know why, and thinking, this guy can't be serious. No one in their right mind tries to get anything less than the best value possible for THEIR team. It is up to you to look out for your own best interests. This is a game of competition. You play fair and at the same time, you play to win!

Stop your soapbox complaining and play the game!!!

Maybe the reason many dont complain at all is that they dont want to get "punished" for doing so, ever thought of that? And you may be the one missing the boat on this issue... if you read through the previous posts you would know that I am all for improving ones team through a trade, as long as it is not "cheating" or unethical and hurts the others in the league who are playing honest. Sure, there is a grey area when it comes to trading, players that have become friends helping each other out, doing favors, pouncing on newbs or teams with "absentee" owners, and so on. There is only one way I can see to make it a level playing field for everyone, and that is strengthening the controls and values for the trade meter and to penalize teams for pulling tricks to get around the trade meter, like putting high rated players in their worst rated position and low on depth chart, weights, and anything that lowers their value as being measured by the trade meter. I could be wrong overall, and should not be making statements about it, but.... not based on what I have seen in this and JDB's thread, interest level is very high on this and JDB says that it definitely is a problem, one that is high on his list of problems to fix and improve.

Your right, "You play fair and at the same time, you play to win!" I totally agree, but play FAIR, not putting the other owners at an unfair disadvantage. Thats all I have to say about it for this thread, will only post questionable trades and let those who traded respond if they want to do so and see what develops. Thanks to all who have posted on here, for your interest and input.

Re: Playing fair and ethically

By Bryson10
8/07/2016 1:54 am
Trade meter doesn't change no matter what position you put a guy at. This trade was in the middle of the bar, other owner was messaging me offers and we negotiated to the point we both felt good. I can't do much more than that :)