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Solid team will be available MFN-27

By fumblestruck
11/14/2015 7:38 am

I joined way too many leagues so that I could get a feel for the game at the various stages of the season. So I am letting this team lapse and it will be available when the season flips on Wednesday 11/18 this week.

Just trying to find them a new owner - team made the Conference Championship game and I think got jammed and lost on a stupid safety late in the 4th quarter. Alas the team has a top 5 offense. I ran it as a pass heavy team (Conrad Rowe is a 92 @ QB). But I really regret not running more because RB Vito Pierce is a beast who averaged 8.44 yards per carry. So there you have it - choose your own adventure on offense.

Everyone is pretty much locked up contractwise. So anyhow, if you are looking for a team that should not need a lot of work, give them a look.

Re: Solid team will be available MFN-27

By Gustoon
11/14/2015 2:20 pm
nice, I would have but just up another team