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Main - League Matchmaking

New League with Allocation Draft: MFN-71

By jdavidbakr - Site Admin
5/16/2016 8:10 pm
A new league with allocaiton draft has been created - grab a team at

Re: New League with Allocation Draft: MFN-71

By WarEagle
5/16/2016 8:15 pm

I wish JDB would just manually set the next new league to be custom.

Re: New League with Allocation Draft: MFN-71

By jdavidbakr - Site Admin
5/16/2016 8:29 pm
WarEagle wrote:

I wish JDB would just manually set the next new league to be custom.

Start a petition thread in the general forum, I'll do it if we get at least 15 users +1-ing it.

Re: New League with Allocation Draft: MFN-71

By punisher
5/16/2016 8:31 pm
WarEagle wrote:

I wish JDB would just manually set the next new league to be custom.

well in this thread =

that the custom leagues aren't as full as the standard ones .

Now if someone would take over the 1 team in Custom 9 , Custom 10 , Custom 12 , Custom 17 and Custom 22 then I would imagine a new Custom league will come up.

Though Custom 33 , Custom 35 , Custom 62 and Custom 64 need 2 people to take over teams awhile Custom 28 needs 3 people to take over teams which maybe all the custom's would need to be full for it to happen or maybe just those 5 leagues I gave earlier need to be full and we will get a new custom.

Re: New League with Allocation Draft: MFN-71

By jdavidbakr - Site Admin
5/16/2016 8:33 pm
punisher wrote:
WarEagle wrote:

I wish JDB would just manually set the next new league to be custom.

well in this thread =

that the custom leagues aren't as full as the standard ones .

Now if someone would take over the 1 team in Custom 9 , Custom 10 , Custom 12 , Custom 17 and Custom 22 then I would imagine a new Custom league will come up.

Though Custom 33 , Custom 35 , Custom 62 and Custom 64 need 2 people to take over teams awhile Custom 28 needs 3 people to take over teams which maybe all the custom's would need to be full for it to happen or maybe just those 5 leagues I gave earlier need to be full and we will get a new custom.

A league can have one open spot to be considered 'full' by the algorithm, and the algorithm checks for at least 2 leagues of each type that are not full. So if that's all that remains open in custom leagues then it may be imminent anyway.