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League Forums

Main - League Matchmaking

Private 75

By mwd65
7/25/2022 9:32 am
Private 75 needs a few new owners to get the spin moving again. If you can help out, please pick a team and join the league.

Thanks to all the current members for hanging in there! Hopefully, we can get the league going again!

Re: Private 75

By raidergreg69
8/10/2022 4:05 pm
We still need 4 owners to start free agency 1 and a new season. Quick turnarounds are possible, I took a 4-12 team to a championship my first full season.

Re: Private 75

By mwd65
8/20/2022 8:00 am
Private 75 is still under the number to run. Many have stuck it out, in hopes of getting some new owners.

If you are interested, please pick a team and I will approve ownership. We have until 10/6 to get back up and running.
