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League Forums

Main - League Matchmaking

mfn 7

By Mitch4742
1/09/2023 4:49 pm
Need 1 person by 7pm tonight to keep afloat

Re: mfn 7

By TeamCleaner3000
1/10/2023 8:30 pm
I will continue to hold my promise of not playing MFN competitively until 4.7 is released.
I do want mfn 7 to continue, only because of its status as an OG MFN league and there's a lot of incredibly good user info being lost as the original MFN leagues die off.

I'll add mfn7's forums to my priority list of perusal for preservation of information (catchy, i know) and hope y'all make it through the fringe line of eradication.

“The answer to your question is…
Welcome to tomorrow.”
D. Mustaine.