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OL Weights (Again, probably)

By Rumplebeanskin
3/23/2017 10:16 am
I recently took over a 2nd team that was previously run by a successful multi-team owner and this particular team has been successful as well.

When putting my OL weights into the team, I'm finding that that unit looks really weak to me. I've read that the latest build favours speed on the o-line? My current build factors in acceleration, strength, PB and RB, plus a little intelligence and discipline. It doesn't factor in max speed at all.

Am I missing something?

Re: OL Weights (Again, probably)

By lellow2011
3/23/2017 10:49 am
Rumplebeanskin wrote:
I recently took over a 2nd team that was previously run by a successful multi-team owner and this particular team has been successful as well.

When putting my OL weights into the team, I'm finding that that unit looks really weak to me. I've read that the latest build favours speed on the o-line? My current build factors in acceleration, strength, PB and RB, plus a little intelligence and discipline. It doesn't factor in max speed at all.

Am I missing something?

Personally I still do not believe that the offensive line has much of an impact in the current sim. Speed seems to play a minor role as well for offensive line. Just my opinion.

Re: OL Weights (Again, probably)

By hchoudhry17
3/23/2017 1:23 pm
I think it definitely has some sort of effect. Not like in real life but an offensive line that is Dallas Cowboys caliber in this game will allow fewer sacks for sure. Could be just that my teams with good oline have faster qb, but imo the oline does have a somewhat tangible impact. Of course I've only played for 3 months so I'm most likely completely wrong lmao

Re: OL Weights (Again, probably)

By setherick
3/23/2017 11:00 pm
In v.4 speed and pass block seem to be the most important skills. Run blocking seems not to matter.