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By Booger926
5/29/2017 10:07 pm
Is there a way to see observe where my opponent's players are lining up to better utilize positional matchups? I mean, like if there is a weakness in how my opponent's right side pass blocks, how can I get my best pass rushers to that side?
Right now the only information I have (that I know of) is player played X number of plays in Y games, but it doesn't say where at what position they played.

I suppose I could look at the player's info rating card pop-up to get an idea, but when I look at the positional ratings and see they are rated above in another position than the position they were currently drafted in, I get confused as what I should do.

Re: Matchups

By mwd65
5/29/2017 10:36 pm
I know what you're talking about, Booger. It would be helpful if we had more information on opponent's players. This is what I do currently...

When I check an opponent's roster before a game, I will get a little suspicious when there isn't a decent RB listed, but the team leads the league in rushing yards. Many times an owner will have their RB also play at WR and list them at the WR position. I often will check individual stats to see how the player in question is getting his yards. It is a little more time consuming with the defensive side of the ball.

Another way to find out more information is by checking out the game summaries. I look over the drive chart and pick a lengthy offensive or defensive series, and watch it. You can pick up personnel and tendencies just from watching a couple series.

Re: Matchups

By WarEagle
5/29/2017 10:46 pm
The downloadable game log should tell you who is lined up at each position, but it is very tedious trying to learn this information.

Also, a lot of owners will assign players to a position simply for weight reasons. For example, a fully develop RB could be listed as a WR so their weight will stay down, thus making them faster.

Re: Matchups

By trslick
5/29/2017 11:50 pm
I have seen a team or two that had no RB's , but many WR's with some at the RB spot that worked well, a few QB's at RB as well!

Re: Matchups

By WarEagle
5/30/2017 1:01 pm
For one of my teams I changed a bunch of RBs, a FB and TE all to WR simply for weight reasons.

Right now, the only method at our disposal to have any influence over a player's weight is their position, and unfortunately speed is directly related to weight.

The players I changed were already fully developed at their "normal" position, so I am not losing anything skill-wise by making this change, but I am able to get them to lose some weight, thus becoming faster.

I wouldn't do this with a young player who still had room to improve at their core position skills