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Beware of new username 917599348

By raidergreg69
12/08/2024 8:37 am
Yes his user name is pretty much a phone number with a missing digit. I'm calling this person out for creating a new account, joining USFL and promptly dropping his whole roster and signing scrubs.

That's username 917599348

Most likely you'll never have to worry about it as I'm sure it's just a spam account of someone I've previously pissed off in one way or another that decided to get back at me in this way.

I just want the troll to know I'm fixing this mess and that you are a weak person to attempt revenge in such an underhanded, anonymous way. At least have the ***** to tell me who you are.

Even if I'm wrong and you're not a troll, just a dumb newbie, that's still a BS move dropping your whole team.