Join in the chant. Go Patreon. Get goodies. Get in the ground floor. We did this with no money, imagine what we can do with just 1 of your dollars.
Please, participate. Walk into our place of business. 23 yrs in, we started the industry, created the virtual commodities market, and once had over 1 million players. Help us crush it again. To this day, we still get referenced by Wired and CNET magazine/web apps for our laurels... which we will not rest upon. Archived in Inquest and Wizard publications.
THIS is what I really do, and I would love for you to get on this ride. I am the head of marketing and co-Project Manager for Sanctorum, and we are looking for talent.
Est 1997. Relaunched 2020. All platforms, java based.
I warned y'all. #dontlie
We are looking for 3d sprite artists.... In game bonuses for Patreon supporters. Kickstarter to follow soon.
PATREON: SANCTORUM VID (all bones, no meat): JDB, ...and yes I did give MFN a 1x mention this eve during the live events :) Teats for tats lol.
The original Sanctum (see old school '98 ad below) can be found at: PC only. Completely FREE to play. In fact, simply playing earns gold, which can be turned into cards. There is nothing but playing involved, as we went play for pay in dec 2011. :)
Old and live games available for viewing via youtube and various Twitchers.
Our original January 1998 Advertisement in Inquest:

June 1998 Inquest review... over 600 cards in the pool these days!

Many thanks for your time and eyes. See you in between the hash marks of destiny!
PS: plz stop deleting/preventing images, or say simply "do not do that."
They come from a personal cloud server, so I know it's admin and not user side.
If promoting this is an issue, simple say so and delete it ;)
All that said, I am still efforting opportunities for cross works to assist MFN exposure. However, the opportunities available are much less this summer.
Last edited at 2/11/2020 4:55 am