raymattison21 wrote:
raymattison21 wrote:
raymattison21 wrote:
raymattison21 wrote:
raymattison21 wrote:
raymattison21 wrote:
raymattison21 wrote:
Booger926 wrote:
Ray, I do not understand
You *****, cry, whine and moan about everything that is wrong about this site. Yet, when presented with something that meets all your expectations, something that meets what you constantly *****, cry, whine, and moan about being wrong, you *****, cry, whine and moan that it doesn't meet your expectations.
Are you really that much of a loser puddy? Do you actually have any idea as to what you want? Or are you just one of these loser types that complain about something just so you can make yourself known. You constantly *****, cry, whine and moan about everything because it does not meet your "expected" standards.
Dude, once you actually get out from your mother's basement and experience the real world, you might appreciate the work one does to make an entertaining site. Until then.....
STFU!!!!!!! and just go away.
You got me.
I will stop now
Or now
Wow! You are right it is bright out here!.!.!.!.
To bright ! I am going back in . ......but I will try not to suggest anything .it might be tough. You got it bully ! I mean buddy!
Actually take that back. You go away . I will out last you any day . ....in my sleep. With my eyes closed and a five minute gameplan . Good riddance to the likes of people like you. I do what I want .....
Dude, I am not going to get into a Forum Flame War with you over something so MF'ing trivial. I can not help it if you are such a loser. You asked for something different and I suggested you try something different. But because it would mean you actually
"TRYING" which Lord knows you won't do because it might require some work on your part. Since you are so entitled, one question......
"What are you going to do when your parents are gone and buried?"
There will be no one to bring you a PBJ sandwich when you cry about being hungry
There will be no one to assist you when you whine about "small O-Linemen can no longer cut it"
There will be no one to go to when you moan about when you can't get 20+ sacks
And there will be absolutely not one individual who gives a F*ck about when you b*tch about being bullied.
My advise to you is simple
Grow Up and grow a Pair.......if you can and you don't want to be recognized as a freakin Transfreak
But if that is what you want
Oh...I have included you answers and replies to show and which clarifies your overall loser status
Last edited at 8/13/2017 2:38 am