slowtospeak wrote:
Booger926 wrote:
Honestly, why are you attempting to make this more difficult than what it is? Other owners have agreed and even offered their own suggestions to what could make it better. And yet, you still disagree. It's almost like you want to get into an argument or forum flame war over something trivial.
Reminds me of several that I know.
Hey, I can take quotes out of context too!
Honestly, I wasn't attacking you personally. My original point, before it got twisted into, "Well, you should have known what you were getting into!" was that keeping customizations forever is bad for business. The solutions that other owners suggested have addressed curing my ignorance rather than actually addressing the issue. JDB is free to ignore me if I am being as obtuse as you suggest.
Am I petty, or argumentative? Do I start flame wars over nothing? Do I remind you of someone you know? You see a person like that in the mirror every day.
Trigger Alert!!!!
Not one person who replied to your post suggested that "You should have known what you are getting into" And if you took it that way, that's your fault for being so sensitive. The one POSSIBLE comment made by WarEagle, even said that he agreed with you that a new owner should have the option of reverting back to the original. But that wasn't good enough for you.
DO YOU REALLY NEED SOMEONE TO HOLD YOUR HAND AND MAKE DECISIONS FOR YOU. OK, once again here are your options if you do not like the location, the colors, the team name, or the team's profile picture of a team you take over in a Customized League;
1) Abandon the team and the league. By doing so, you will be liberated from the league and team which you hate. You will not be able to rejoin the league you hate or the team you hate for 30 days.
2) If you wish to see the season thru, just allow your registration to expire. By doing so, you will be at liberty to pursue other teams in other leagues, and even might be able to rejoin the same league with another team in about a day or so, if possible.
3) Purchase credits to change the customization yourself. (You said that it is bad for business, but forget that it IS a business) By doing so, you can rename the team, change the colors, change the team's location, change the profile picture and even change Players' name to something you prefer, something that is uniquely yours.
4) If you do not want to spend money, or leave, then your last option is
GRIN AND BEAR IT!!!!There you go. There are the 4 options for
YOU to choose for what is best for you. Wareagle, Gustoon, Parsh, Punisher, JBD, or any one else , including myself, cannot make the decision for you. I am sure that whatever choice you make will be beneficial for you. If you do not make a decision, you have still made a choice.
End of discussion.
Last edited at 8/09/2017 12:44 am