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Injury Reduction Idea

By mardn72
12/14/2017 7:39 pm
Besides fumbles and penalties, injuries are by far the most annoying part of the game. Given the focus currently on the NFL on injuries, I have to imagine that the sport will find a way to make itself safe in the future. In MFN, we already have leagues run 10 or more years in the "future". It'd be great to see injuries happen less and less at seasons progress. Even if the chance for injury went down 1% each season, it'd be something.

Re: Injury Reduction Idea

By CoachDumphool123
12/18/2017 10:08 pm
It is one of annoying aspects but somewhat realistic. It does force one to consider backups and rotations properly.

Perhaps if there were something in a player's scouting report...

Re: Injury Reduction Idea

By raymattison21
12/19/2017 2:25 pm
The injury penalty for a specific body part is a maximum of 15 percent . Take you have zero leg and zero foot a 100 speed player still has 70 speed.

In the nfl ....If you mildly tear your act you are at or below 50 percent of max speed . ...Same goes for a pulled hamstring .

I am not the best but I also don't sub for injuries or scout or run different gameplans or sign coaches or elite FAs and rarely trade. My teams are pretty bad but I still win games.

Injuries are at least tenth on a scale of what matters here. But I think there should be some rating that makes a player avoid them a bit better than another.

You could then stack you team with these players to reduce injuries .

Cause I want them turned way up....not the frequency but the severity . And I want them based off how much you run and how small you are.

Just look at steelers lb shazier . ...prognosis . ....may never play again.

The nfl is trying the lower the amount of head injuries due to the latest allegations surrounding the supposed links of concussions and CTE. Not for the nfl players safety . .......cause kids are linked as well. Don't **** off moms

Look at t. Davis hit on d. Adams. Head to head result concussion only a 15 yard penalty and perhaps a fine . By accident or not he should have been ejected immediately . That's if the nfl cared about its players . But really they dont. Like any business it's money .

This nonsense about concussions has been covered up since the 90s . See Mark kelso

Re: Injury Reduction Idea

By CrazyRazor
12/19/2017 4:32 pm
I agree with your statement about the NFL, but it has nothing to do with the post.

The part that does pertain to the post is interesting. I think my guys are noticeably hindered due to injuries. Perhaps that just depends on the position, Idk. I think the game sims fine based on injuries. I will digress that there are instances where a player's injuries end their careers. Obviously that is not addressed in this game.

Keep in mind that this game is in Beta guys. It might be there for quite some time. That is totally up to JDB. Especially since he is a one man show, when it comes to the programming of this game.