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Re: Draft class / ST ratings

By martinwarnett
3/24/2015 6:44 pm
When looking at the draft class for ST players, ie Kick Holders or Long Snappers, by using the edit filter I've noticed that the Cur/Max values may be out of kilter.

For example (CUST-10 draft class),

Mark Gaines has 39/69,
Conditioning 15
Position Exp 18
Strength 61
Intelligence 43
Discipline 100
Max Speed 24
Acceleration 6
Long Snapping 92

Timothy Partridge, 38/69
Conditioning 15
Position Exp 16
Strength 73
Intelligence 72
Discipline 95
Max Speed 85
Acceleration 44
Long Snapping 64

Both have the same max, differ in Cur value by 1 point yet the Long Snapping attribute, clearly the most valuable, differ by 28!

I think that for a number of non kicking ST positions, where specific skills are used ( holding, long snapping ) then the weightings for those skils are far too low. At the end of the day, sure something like discipline affects penalties but for a long snapper strength is less of a issue - wouldn't have someone lined up over you. Speed - would that even be a factor not covered by the long snapping attribute?
Last edited at 3/24/2015 6:45 pm

Re: Draft class / ST ratings

By WarEagle
3/24/2015 6:58 pm
I believe all that is based on your player weights. If you don't think speed is important for a long snapper, don't include it in your weights.

Re: Draft class / ST ratings

By martinwarnett
3/24/2015 7:14 pm
Right, so basically the cur/max values are entirely dependent upon weights you set then?

I think personally editting weightings fails for those two positions in particular. There may be nuances in the stats ut there are two specific attributes for holding and long snapping; my presumption would be those attributes encompass everything needed for holding and long snapping.

EDIT: I'll be honest, I'm still learning so haven't touched player weightings as yet. The weightings would thus be the default ones recommended by coaches. Based upon that, I believe the defaults may be flawed.
Last edited at 3/24/2015 7:19 pm

Re: Draft class / ST ratings

By WarEagle
3/24/2015 7:26 pm
I agree that the default weights are probably not the best.

For example, for a long snapper, the only thing I would weight at all would be long snapping and discipline (for false starts).

Re: Draft class / ST ratings

By Davesgang
3/26/2015 12:18 pm
strength and blocking would be useful imo too

Re: Draft class / ST ratings

By martinwarnett
3/26/2015 1:39 pm
Less so imo - long snappers are there to snap the ball, little else. No player should be lined up over them, after all.