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Main - Bug Box

Drive Chart out of sync

By MuttleyGrouch
8/17/2020 3:15 pm

SOmewhere the Drive chart has got confused, the TD's etc in the 1st half are recorded incorrectly - you'll notice a weird play
"1 4:27 2:44 OWN 29 6 -36 Touchdown"

In the Martlets chart which is clealry wrong.

We had a look to see where (and it only seems to be the Drive chart) went out of sync and suspect it was the Kick off return fumble and possession change at 4-6-HAR 32 (4:36) in the 1st?

Problem seemed to sort out in 2nd half. - Appears to be just a presentation in the Drive Chart - all the other data/scores etc seem to match up OK.
