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Resign Coaches

By ctiger77
11/17/2020 4:31 pm
I am trying to resign my coaches, (we are in the playoffs but I am eliminated) and I give them the same salary they are currently getting but it tells me I am -$2 in cap.
Not sure what's going on here

Re: Resign Coaches

By raidergreg69
11/17/2020 4:36 pm
Might as wait and resign them at free agency 1 unless it's the last year of their contract. Signing them during the playoffs will still expose them to being poached during next season's free agency.

Re: Resign Coaches

By raidergreg69
11/17/2020 4:37 pm
Never tried to offer the same salary, I always offer a token raise, even if it's just a dollar.

Re: Resign Coaches

By Smirt211
11/17/2020 4:47 pm
Yes, always do +$1 and you're safe. 100% never an issue.