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Inacurate all time league record

By BadPanda
10/12/2015 10:43 am
Hi Jdavid,

I just find out that in some of the leagues i'm in, my all time league record is inacurate... while in others it is ... Actually it's inacurate in 2 out of 4.

For example in MFN 6 it says 13 - 5 while in fact it should be 26 - 10 .. as if my second season hasn't been taken into account.

And in MFN 7 it says 1-7 while i only played one regular season game in this league in the previous season.

While it's really no big deal, i'm putting it out there because obviously something is not working in some leagues. Maybe other owners can check their all time record in different leagues to help you find out where it might be wrong.