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Trade 'Balance bar'

By Gustoon
10/19/2015 6:03 am
Not sure if this is just me, it seems like I have to make really one sided offers...
eg:- MLB 3 yrs exp. rated at 44/72, to trade for him I need to send a 1 and a 2 and the balance bar is still way in the other teams favor. I've been into player weights and there are no pre-sets set to skew and resluts, at least not on my end anyway.

Re: Trade 'Balance bar'

By WarEagle
10/19/2015 6:20 am
I agree. The trade balance bar doesn't work properly, and worse it prevents legitimate trades from going through.

Re: Trade 'Balance bar'

By dmcc1
10/19/2015 7:09 am
I agree as well.