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Main - Roster Only Discussion

Overall rating dropping a bit each game

By Phaldun - League Admin
3/17/2019 12:00 pm
I have a good MLB that had an overall rating of 91 at the end of last season. After training camp it went down to 89. Then it was 88 during pre-season. After week one he had an amazing game with 3 interceptions one returned for a TD, yet his overall rating dropped to 87.

What is going on here? Did my star linebacker start smoking crack and living at strip clubs or something?

Re: Overall rating dropping a bit each game

By Lamba
3/17/2019 12:49 pm
Is it Thoman you're talking about?

He's in his 9th season, 30 years old.

I think that's around where players start to regress.

Re: Overall rating dropping a bit each game

By punisher
3/17/2019 1:09 pm
Here =

Re: Overall rating dropping a bit each game

By Phaldun - League Admin
3/17/2019 4:02 pm
Yea.... the length of his career makes sense, but dayum it seems to be all crashing down on him this season.