rayray_price wrote:
I agree don't change too much. The truth is we all the same opportunities as we learn the game just like in real life some gm always put good teams together year after year. Now if someone seems to be getting advantages that other are not then yes questions could be brought forward but I have not seen any signs of this yet. I hope that any changes are made are minor because anything else would require learning all over because it could change the game too much.
No, we dont all have the same opportunities here, some have more opportunities than others as a result of bogus accounts used specifically to trade number one picks for "busts" or players that are high rated on the trade meter, but not as potentially impactful as a first rounder. As long as the Round 1 picks are valued where they are on the trade meter, under 1000, then this will continue. All of the round picks, especially 2nd, 3rd, and 4th rounders are valued way less than their true worth. As long as that is the case, abuse is gonna happen. Dont change the game too much?? Are you taking advantage of these trades with bogus accounts? cuz if you arent, good luck trying to compete with the team(s) in your league that are. "I have not seen any signs of this yet"... really? Where have you been looking? The accounts used for this purpose are usually current in 10-20 leagues. So, if you would prefer to keep things the way they are, and you want to have an equal chance to win a league championship, I would strongly suggest you figure out how to trade with one or more of the bogus accounts. Oh, you can win a championship w/o doing that, but its very hard to do vs a good player that is taking advantage of that. How about bidding on a good FA? Dont be surprised if all of a sudden, out of nowhere, there's a bid from that bogus account, driving up the price for that FA. Im not complainin or whining here, just posting what Ive observed so far. And several accounts have been recently removed as a result, which is a step in the right direction and cudos to the admin for doing so. Overall, I prefer an honest game, where we all have the same opportunity to win or lose, without any unfair advantages. For all intents and purposes, its very unlikely to have that with an online internet game, of any kind. There will always be those who have a need to wreck and ruin other people's fun and enjoyment, or need to win no matter whether or not it is done by playing fair and honest. Who are they going to brag to about it? themselves? lol But, they still do it.
Last edited at 8/29/2016 1:15 pm