This is revisionist history at its best!!!!
Admiral went far and wide on every forum with a clear cut agenda to first convince everyone to switch to Beta and second when JDB posed the question about releasing it as 4.6....Admiral picked up the banner and campaigned for everyone to be forced to switch to 4.6.
Things were perfectly fine like they were...4.5 was the stable version while 4.6 is clearly a Beta version....it fixed some issues but created many others meaning it was a broken version with no changes in a year.
4.6 is similar to 4.4 but worse because 4.4 was released without must testing and everyone hated it....it lasted 1 season before 4.5 was released. 4.6 had a ton of testing and the data clearly showed how screwed up it was but JDB ignored all of that....ignored the majority opinion and when he found any support (Admiral/Captain Defender)....he washed his hands of it and released 4.6!!!
The funny thing is blaming allocation drafts....I've participated in at least 20 of them and regardless of the level of talent available.....it's distribution is the same so no matter the overall level of talent....it all comes down to who drafts best and who fails to draft a complete team.
I haven't had a losing season following any allocation draft and my 9-7 record in Big Data was clearly and obviously my fault! I drafted defense first which I do around 10% of the time during allocation drafts when you need to draft offense first in 4.6 because the sim skews to the defense regardless of roster.
If any lesson can be learned here....it's that the elite owners with continue to be elite because they know how to successful game plan and understand the player weights needed to get the most out of that game plan.
The same owners will keep winning with the only difference being the games are boring!
Why anyone would play a season of 4.6 and think....."yes this is good, hooray!".....is completely beyond comprehension!!!