Then this league is for you.
https://die-hard-fans.myfootballnow.comPrimarily this is a league for fans of their team, but should a team not have a fan owner, then a team will be up for allocation.
All I ask is ...
- you game plan and stay with the confines of league rules.
- give reasonable notice if you intend to leave the league.
- Try and be active in the busy fun forums, winding up rivals is a must!
https://die-hard-fans.myfootballnow.com/forums/1All applications
must be accompanied by pm .
https://die-hard-fans.myfootballnow.com/forums/1/238?page=1#1732 Right now we have 5 openings , with the
Vikes coming open at the end of the season or before if requested.
We have a competitive league with very good owners, but noobies are more than welcome.
These great teams are available!!
Arizona Cardinals =
https://die-hard-fans.myfootballnow.com/team/23 GONE!Chicago Bears =
https://die-hard-fans.myfootballnow.com/team/28Jacksonville Jaguars =
https://die-hard-fans.myfootballnow.com/team/14 GONE!Minnesota Vikings =
https://die-hard-fans.myfootballnow.com/team/26 GONE!Tennessee Titans =
https://die-hard-fans.myfootballnow.com/team/13 New Orleans Saints =