2032 Major League Football PlayoffsBy Tua Tele Inisi
© 2032 Moot Points, LLC
Under official license to the Major League Football LLC.It was a gorgeous, temperature controlled afternoon in Detroit under the faded canopy of Ford Field when the Chicago Beasts (slipperySlope) faced off against the Beaver Dam Curds (CrazySexyBeast). However, before a crowd of 74,628, the atmosphere within the dome quickly thickened as the teams settled into what would be a long grind.
The Beasts defense came out strong, forcing the Curds to punt on their first two possessions and into an interception on their third. Unfortunately, Chicago’s offense came out sluggish, making 2 field goals and missing one in the first half.
Mushugagallica hammered the crowd with an intense yet subtle “super EMD funky math fest blast beat-o-rama” to quote lead singer Iam Hammbones as the scoreboard displayed a 7-6 Beaver Dam lead - well short of the halftime over/under number of 30.
Fortunately for Chicago head coach Brent Hull, the Beasts defense proved hungry and held the curds to a field goal over the next 26 minutes as CHI
QB Irvin Huggins tossed 2 touchdowns and navigated a field goal, leading the Beasts to 12 point lead with 4:11 to go in the Camp Cup.
Then, all **** broke loose for the Beasts as the Curds, uninspired, unmotivated, sluggish and slow - suddenly became invigorated as if struck by the tiny hand of Adderall itself.
Beaver Dam
QB Rex Ponce marshalled the Curds to an efficient 2:22, 75 yard drive to put the Curds second touchdown of the game into the books. Amazingly, having found their backbone previously in the game with a late fourth quarter goal line stand, the BVD defense held Chicago to 3 and out.
Starting from their own 6, with 1:26 remaining and the title on the line, it seemed impossible that the Curds would topple the Beasts defense once again. As though a crack in the Earth, the Beasts’ defensive line opened, and the Curds’
FB Freds Ascott wormed his way through and to the right sideline… Ponce tossed an easy, high arcing ball over the trenches right into Ascott’s hands. Struggling but finally breaking a tackle, Ascott ran for the hills scoring a 69 yard touchdown to put Beaver Dam ahead 23-22.
Making the smart move, BVD went for the deuce, and
RB Louis Delatorre punched his way home, making the score 25-22 with 8 seconds remaining.
...and there the score would stay.
Congratulations to the Beaver Dam Curds on winning the Major League Football League 2032 Camp Cup champions and emptying every bookie’s crypto wallets in the process.
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