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Re: same question as so often...

By CooterBrown
1/19/2017 5:05 am
Hate to say it,but have always been a Cowboys fan since the day of birth! HOWEVER, I vehemently root against Dallas and for whoever is their opponent on all occasions . And will continue to do so as long as "the World's Biggest Football Idiot" owns the team..or anyone with the last name of Jones! And I try try try to get that across to all my friends here in football crazy Texas to understand that if they were really really deep in their heart and soul Cowboys fans,they would do the same.
Consider all what Mr Jones has done to the franchise. When was the last time Dallas has won or done anything in the last....say....25 years or so?...3 playoff wins?......Seriously? From one of,if not, the premier franchises and organizations in all of sports?Oh sure,they have a good season here and there.And have had some good players. But in the big the long run...when it comes down to where the rubber meets the road and championships are won,He is the main instrument in the mediocrity of the Cowboys. And anyone who hates the Cowboys laff their hind off in knowing that!
And to top it all off, in interviews time and again thru the years, he has admitted to it hisself!!!! He has stated time and again,If he was self-removed from "running/owning" the Cowboys,he would have fired his own silly a** a long long time ago! Think about it. The team has changed over the years, the players have changed, the stadium has changed, the offense,the defense, the entire game,and the entire NFL itself has changed,But the one constant...the single constant..for the Cowboys is Jerry Jones. Day In Day Out. And my friends, Jerry is who he is...a PIMP WHO WANTS ALL YOUR MONEY!!!!!. He made his fortune as an oilfield guy! It's all about the dead presidents for him.Jerry doesn't care about you the fans and is pretty obvious he doesn't care about winning and never has. And won't as long as folks keep drinking the kool-aid and buy those $200 jerseys, $300 tickets,$12 hot dogs $40 parking etc etc. But hey,you got a nice pretty palace in Arlington with the big diamond vision screen to watch the game in air conditioning.Now that's what winning championship football is all about right? ( For some reason, i just don't think that matters so much to folks up in Green Bay or Pittsburgh or other hard-nosed rabid franchises and their fans.Heck those folks would sit on a block of ice in a winter blizzard buck naked to root for their teams) And why is that. Folks...Al Davis said it...Vince Lombardi did just gotta listen. WIN!. "just win, baby!"..."winning isn't everything,it's the ONLY thing!" And with Jerry running Jerry's playground in Jerry's world with all your money and all your "future money", what seriously makes yo really believe he gives one iota about winning or you the fan??? But if Jerry was operating at a loss, trust me,he is gonna a$$ up on losing money. Sorry for the rant guys( gets off the soapbox...LOL)

Re: same question as so often...

By jhartshorn
1/21/2017 10:37 pm
Ares wrote:
hate the fact that they've had it so good for so long while my own team has languished in mediocrity... especially considering they have one of the worst league owners in football, haha.

Had it so good?? They said the other day that they hadn't got past playoffs for 20 years??

Who's your team?

Re: same question as so often...

By jhartshorn
1/21/2017 10:42 pm
CooterBrown - guess he's old so hang in there...unless like Trump, there's a succession of future Jones' in line!! :O

Re: same question as so often...

By Ares
1/21/2017 10:42 pm
Had it so good when I was coming up, at least, which was during the Aikman, Emmitt, Irvin era.

I'm an unfortunate Chicago fan. Like the direction the team's going in under Ryan Pace, but it's been a painful... well, lifetime. I wasn't even alive the last time the Bears took home a championship.